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The Catholic Mass is the central act of worship in the life of a Catholic. Going to Mass is about spending time with God, but also receiving his graces (inner strength to live the Christian life). The name 'Mass' comes from the final blessing said by the priest in Latin ‘Ite missa es’ meaning “to send out” as Jesus Christ sent his disciples out to the world to take his teaching to them.

Altar Servers

The purpose of this Alter Servers Ministry is to assist the celebrant at Mass.


Scheduling, training and teaching is coordinated by Adam Sumlin. 


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Church Environment Ministry

The Church Environment Ministry is responsible for providing church decorations and dressing the altar to create space for worship and reverence for each season of the liturgical year.


This ministry is coordinated by Ann Marie Szpakowska.

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The Commentators are lay leaders who announce the beginning of the Mass, lead the congregation in the Prayers of the Faithful and share church announcements at the end of mass.


Eucharistic Ministry

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) assist the celebrant in administering Holy Communion
during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. LEMs also take holy communion sick and homebound parishioners.


Training is coordinated by Adam Sumlin.


Scheduling is coordinated by Myrna Draper.

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Adults and youth serve as Lectors assigned to proclaim the readings for Sunday and Special Masses.


This ministry is coordinated by Betty Brazelton/Myrna Draper (Sunday 8) and Paulette Lindsay (Sunday 9:30).

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Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee is composed of representatives of the parish Worship Ministries. The Committee is responsible for helping the Pastor to guide and support the parish’s response to God’s Word and the invitation to celebrate the Holy Eucharist and all the Sacraments in Masses offered at St. Martin de Porres Church.


Music Ministry

The Music Ministry consists of the choirs, musicians and cantors providing music during the Sunday mass, special masses, and services. Rehearsals are on Wednesday's at 7:00 pm. 


Adult Gospel Choir and Youth Voice and Music Ensembles:

The Adult Choir and Youth Ensembles provide music during the 9:30 AM Mass on Sunday mornings and Special Masses.


The Adult Choir and Youth Ensembles are led by Ella E. Robinson assisted by Shelby Thompson.

Traditional Service Cantors:

The Cantors lead the congregation in song during 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday mornings.


The Cantors are coordinated by Douglas Gaston, assisted by Danis Gehl.


Ella E. Robinson, Minster of Music 

Douglas Gaston, Pianist

Antonio Harris, Percussionist



The Sacristans assist the celebrant and deacon with preparations for the Mass and provide
support during the Liturgies of the Word and the Eucharist.


This ministry is coordinated by Adam Sumlin.


Ushers (Women, Youth, Men)

The Usher Ministry is responsible for making anyone who enters St. Martin de Porres feel welcome, especially visitors. Ushers are responsible for collecting the offering and supervising orderly movement during Mass.


This ministry is coordinated by Deborah Jones (Women), Terry Alford (Men), Catherine Horton (Youth)


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Sacraments are an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.

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